4IR Technologies

IoT: The New Face of Employee Empowerment

Miriam Ali Riaz December 1, 2024 - 6 mins read
IoT: The New Face of Employee Empowerment

If you’re not using 4IR technology to drive employee empowerment in your organization, you’re behind the times.

Technology is at the helm of improving not only business performance, but also human-centric ways of working. The Internet of Things (IoT) in particular has taken center stage, going beyond streamlining workflows to empowering the workforce.

How Technology Helps with Employee Empowerment

The employee empowerment definition centers around employees having control and autonomy in their roles.

But the reality is that employees are dependent on the tools they need for their jobs. Without the right ones, employees get stuck in inefficient systems that hinder their performance and limit their freedom.

Luckily, 4.0 technologies are a game changer for transforming employee empowerment in the workplace. Here’s how –

  • Streamlined Processes – Saddling your workforce with repetitive tasks is a thing of the past with the vast range of automation technologies available. This leaves employees free to take on higher level, meaningful tasks instead.
  • Fast Access to Data – 4IR technologies have made collecting and presenting information more convenient than ever. Single customer view, for example, benefits employees by displaying all customer data in one place.
  • Reduced Risk of Burnout – Outdated tools leave employees struggling to do their jobs. It’s a losing battle that puts them at risk of burnout. With new technologies and optimized workflow, your employees will be able to do their best work without unnecessary stressors.

The Role of IoT in Empowering the Workforce

IoT technology forms a cloud-based system comprising smart devices, sensors, and software. Linked through the internet, these technologies exchange a constant stream of data that can be used to drive business improvements.

Since arriving on the block a decade ago, IoT has surged ahead in popularity and market size. But its applications for employee empowerment are only just being realized.

Here are seven benefits you too may be missing out on.

1) Creating Smart Offices

The smart office is the next step forward in workplace automation. In fact, Grand View Research predicts that the global smart office market will break $100 billion by 2030.

Powered by the latest advancements in IoT technology, smart offices use connected sensors and devices to improve the employee experience.

These systems can range from smart lighting and office climate control to smart meeting rooms. You can finally say goodbye to the unnecessary hassles and delays that come with setting up virtual conferences manually.

2) Enabling People Analytics

IoT generates a constant stream of data about the network of systems it oversees and the people who access them. Combined with machine learning algorithms, that data becomes a powerful tool.

Real-time people analytics make life easier for your HR department by providing insights on employee engagement, performance, and wellbeing. And when you understand what problems your employees are facing, you’re better equipped to solve them.

3) Transforming Employee Training

One of the biggest challenges of employee empowerment is giving employees enough opportunities for professional development. Most importantly, these opportunities need to be timely and reactive.

Through analytics, IoT can quickly identify which employees may need training or upskilling and in what areas. Therefore, you can develop training programs around your workers’ specific needs.

Depending on what tools you have at your disposal, IoT can create –

  • Complex simulation scenarios
  • Interactive learning environments
  • Gamification through snack reward systems

4) Improving Performance Management

IoT immerses your company in an interconnected digital workplace. This puts managers and employees in constant contact with each other, increasing opportunities to discuss performance.

Continuous and data-driven feedback is a step forward for employee empowerment. Rather than having to wait for annual performance reviews, employees can direct their efforts toward improvement in real time.

5) Simplifying Communication

Communication couldn’t be easier with IoT-powered work systems. Whether you need to talk on the go, book vacant meeting rooms, or hold brainstorming sessions, IoT does it instantly.

With these features, communication becomes a much more efficient process. Your employees won’t need to chase each other down or coordinate with the entire office just to grab a meeting room.

6) Increasing Team Collaboration and Engagement

According to Harvard Business Review, 58% of businesses have noticed improvements in company collaboration since adopting IoT.

Effective teamwork relies on plenty of tools to facilitate knowledge-sharing, idea exchange, and feedback from colleagues. An IoT network places all of those tools within reach of your employees’ personal devices, promoting employee empowerment.

Not only that, but it’s also perfect for kickstarting team-building exercises. Wearable devices can motivate teams to engage in some friendly competition such as fitness and wellness challenges.

7) Boosting Productivity and Efficiency

All these features make one thing clear: IoT enables your staff to perform day-to-day tasks faster. With fewer disruptions, instant access to data, and responsive management, your employees face no resistance when trying to do their jobs.

And with the future of IoT looking smarter and faster than ever, these boosts are only going to get better.

This degree of employee empowerment gives your company a competitive advantage over others. A more productive workforce leads to quicker business results and happier customers. It’s a win-win-win.

Other Benefits of IoT for Your Organization

As convincing as the above benefits are, that’s not all IoT technologies have to offer. Here are additional ways smart systems transform workplaces across a range of industries –

  • Privacy-Friendly Data Collection – IoT in the workplace strikes a careful balance between collecting employee data and maintaining privacy. To maintain trust and transparency with your employees, these systems will anonymize and secure stored data.
  • Workspace Optimization – Through IoT, you can investigate how your office space is actually used and optimize it accordingly. Movement patterns reveal obstructions and inconveniently placed equipment – problems that are easy to fix when you know they exist!
  • Asset Tracking – Quick access to specialized tools is vital in fast-paced fields such as medicine. There’s no time to waste when every task is time sensitive. Using IoT-driven data, you can allocate tools to ideal locations and tag them so they can’t be lost.
  • Workplace Safety – Smart surveillance and recognition systems can protect your workplace from intruders, but that’s not all. In industries with heavy machinery, smart systems protect employees from the workplace by tracking maintenance schedules and equipment conditions.
  • Long-Term Impact – The benefits of an IoT-empowered workforce stack up over time. Workflow and business processes will constantly improve through data-driven decisions. And with IoT’s inherent scalability, your systems grow along with your company.

Let’s Work on Your Organization’s Next IoT Solution

If you’re ready to kick your employee empowerment up a notch, it’s time to bring IoT into your workplace. And as a veteran in IoT development and implementation, DPL is the perfect partner for the job.

Using the form below, let our consultants know what your organization needs from IoT. We can’t wait to get started.

Miriam Ali Riaz
Miriam Ali Riaz

Writer, editor, total nerd. Fueled by curiosity and driven to explore the frontiers of emerging tech. As long as the digital world is spinning, I’ll be writing about it.