4IR Technologies

Why Your eCommerce Growth Strategy Needs Cutting-Edge Tech

Miriam Ali Riaz October 15, 2024 - 7 mins read
Why Your eCommerce Growth Strategy Needs Cutting-Edge Tech

Whether you’re a veteran or fresh face in the business, it’s time to add emerging tech your eCommerce growth strategy.

The online shopping experience is constantly evolving, and so are consumer demands. With so many eCommerce platforms out there, adopting new technologies is paramount for outpacing the competition.

But it’s worth the effort – there’s no better time to invest in eCommerce and its technological trends.

eCommerce by the Numbers

The eCommerce market has been blowing up since the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s no mystery why. Housebound shoppers got into the habit of turning to online platforms for everything they needed, and that habit has persisted.

And in case you haven’t checked the numbers yet, here’s what you can expect for the future –

  • Statista projects $6.9 trillion in global eCommerce sales next year, rising beyond $8 trillion in 2027.
  • The number of online shoppers has been increasing at a steady clip. EMARKETER forecasts 2.77 billion online shoppers by the end of 2025, 60 million more than 2024.
  • In the US, mobile commerce sales will reach $710 billion by 2025, and they won’t stop there. In 2027, they’re likely to hit $856 billion.
  • By 2027, online purchases are expected to make up nearly 23% of all retail sales. Whether it’s convenience, advertising, or enthralling features, something keeps people coming back for more.

The Role of Technology in Growing eCommerce

Brand loyalty is becoming a thing of the past. Consumers are instead looking for convenience, efficiency, and affordability in their shopping experiences. That’s why emerging technology is leading the charge in eCommerce growth strategies.

To be more specific, technology addresses four aspects that consumers prioritize –

  1. Smooth User Experience – User-friendliness is the name of the game for the modern consumer. As a user, you expect your online shopping experience to be simple, intuitive, and frictionless. That necessitates top-of-the-line UX.
  2. Mobile Optimization – Wherever you go, your smartphone is within reach. As smartphones have become more sophisticated, mobile commerce (mCommerce) has skyrocketed in popularity. So, mobile-first design is increasingly important.
  3. Immersive Shopping – Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D product listing help you conceptualize products as more than just static images. Better yet, they’re fun.
  4. Data-Driven Marketing – When the platform knows what you like, you waste less time browsing and spend more money. Personalizing user recommendations is the perfect eCommerce growth strategy framework for maximizing sales.

5 Technologies That’ll Enrich Your eCommerce Growth Strategy

Now that you have a good idea of what consumers want, you may be wondering how to get there. The following five tech trends, ranging from affordable to state-of-the-art, are just what you need to gain a competitive edge.

1) UX Design

Before you start investing in the most expensive tools on the market, go back to the basics. The ease of the user journey is a make-or-break factor that should be continuously improved throughout your platform’s lifespan.

Our client Vivere Luxury ticks all the boxes of good UX design. Here are some stand-out features you’ll want for your layout too –

  • Simple Navigation – User-centric design is all about making the journey from home page to checkout as hassle-free as possible. Clean, concise navigation and product categories will do wonders for your conversion rates.
  • Guest Checkout – Speaking of hassle, nothing puts shoppers off like delays at the checkout. Don’t add friction at the critical moment by forcing them to sign in or create an account.
  • Adaptive or Responsive Layout – Forget the big screen. Most of your customers will probably be using their phone. Whether through adaptive or responsive design, your website should be attractive, easy to read, and optimized for touch navigation on mobile.
  • Ease of Sharing – For many people, shopping is a social experience. A simple but smart growth strategy for eCommerce is to add social media icons to product pages. Give customers a shortcut to share your products with friends.

2) Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

This year, mobile shopping has accounted for around two thirds of online purchases and made up 77% of retail traffic. And that number is climbing. More and more people pick up the phone to place orders rather than waiting until they’re at the computer.

The newest innovation changing the landscape of mCommerce is the Progressive Web App (PWA). These web applications provide a native app-like experience on any device, straight from your browser.

With PWAs, you can achieve these benefits –

  • Seamless Experience – The app-like UX and quick loading speeds make PWAs buttery smooth to navigate. And that’s all without needing to download yet another app onto your phone.
  • Offline Shopping – Using cache data, PWAs hold the distinct advantage of being able to function without internet. Consumers can continue to shop even with spotty connectivity.
  • Searchability – Half the battle for growth is helping users find you. Unlike mobile apps, PWAs show up in search engine results and accumulate traffic like any website.

Since implementing its PWA, B2C giant AliExpress has seen a massive conversion rate increase of 104% for new users. The results speak for themselves!

3) Marketing Analytics

Data analytics tools are essential to create a clear picture of how people use your eCommerce platform. By understanding the pattern of conversion, cart abandonment, and average order value, you can pinpoint where your platform needs improvement.

Through DPL’s data analytics expertise, Alchemy Fine Home uses data to perfect its marketing tactics and optimize the user experience. This method has been a resounding success, both for customers and for the company’s bottom line.

On top of that, a good data analytics model is key for effective eCommerce growth hacking. This common growth strategy runs multiple versions of a webpage at once to test which one performs better. Without the insights of consumer data, you’re flying blind.

4) Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This 4IR technology needs no introduction. For eCommerce, it’s a complex tool that can work behind the scenes or interact directly with customers.

Amazon has been a pioneer in leveraging AI for everything from product recommendations to supply chain management. Earning it a market share that far outstrips US competitors, this eCommerce growth strategy is definitely working.

These are the top three uses of AI to get you the biggest bang for your buck –

  • Chatbots – AI-powered chatbots make sure your customers receive round-the-clock attention. Through natural language processing (NLP), they can provide specific, relevant answers to customer inquiries at the drop of a hat. No queueing required.
  • Hyper-Personalization – AI algorithms maximize user engagement by analyzing preferences and offering personalized content. This strategy improves customer retention and keeps them coming back for more.
  • Predictive Analytics – By tracking competitor prices and market trends, AI makes sure your platform’s prices are always ahead of the game. Even off-platform, it can optimize your inventory to keep popular products in stock.

5) Interactive Product Listing

AR and VR have transformed eCommerce by allowing users to interact with online products.

VR creates a simulated environment that users can immerse themselves in, but it does require a headset. AR uses just your phone camera to overlay digital information onto your surroundings – or you. Both allow the user to visualize products in a 3D space.

As far as growth strategies for eCommerce go, this one keeps users engaged and confident they’re getting what they paid for.

If AR and VR aren’t quite what you’re looking for, 3D modeling is the way to go. One of our clients, a major furniture retailer, created 3D models of its entire catalogue. Customers can view, rotate, and zoom in on these assets while browsing.

Make Emerging Tech Part of Your Growth Strategy for eCommerce

Feeling inspired? DPL’s eCommerce development team can take your store to new heights with the best tech strategies on the market.

Reach out to us using the form below so we can get started!

Miriam Ali Riaz
Miriam Ali Riaz

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