Web Development

6 Modern Website Design Tips to Revamp Your Old Site 

Umber Awan October 4, 2024 - 6 mins read
6 Modern Website Design Tips to Revamp Your Old Site 

Modern website design isn’t just a trend, it’s the secret to transforming your outdated site into a sleek, user-friendly masterpiece.  The internet is littered with websites that still look like they were designed in the dial-up era. If your website is one of them, you’re in trouble.

But before you go for a redesign, you must understand the complexities and requirements of bespoke website design that can make your site both visually appealing, and highly functional.

What is Modern Website Design?

Modern website design is a well-choreographed dance between typography, layout, color theory, motion graphics, and responsive designs. Think of it as the perfect recipe for your website, where every element works together in perfect harmony.

Your visitors should be able to find what they need on your website in a jiffy. That’s why modern website designs are visually stunning and user-friendly. They have to be flexible so that as new gadgets come out, your site can easily adapt to them.

How to Design Modern Websites

Modern websites have some special features that make them stand out from the crowd. For example:

1. Unique Typography

The typography on your website should scream ‘You’. It has to be extremely cognizant of your brand. For example, The New Yorker is instantly recognizable thanks to its distinctive Adobe Caslon Pro font.

The typography on a modern website design sends a message and tells your visitors if you are a serious or fun brand. No one wants their site to look like a cryptic puzzle that leaves visitors wondering what’s up.

2. Engaging & Responsive Hero Images

Hero images are like the red carpet for your website. If they are big and bold, they will instantly grab attention. Take a look at a bespoke website design like Medium for reference and you’ll see hero images that invite you in with just a glance.

Hero images set the stage for your site’s personality and message, displaying what your brand is in just one look. If you get these images right in the website design process, you will increase the retention rate of viewers on your website.

3. Background Videos

Background videos can really make your website pop. Imagine landing on a page and immediately you see a video that gives you the rundown on what your brand is about. It’s perfect for viewers who hate reading.

Some great sites use this technique with an autoplay background video. However, one thing to keep in mind is that while videos boost engagement, they can also slow down your website if overused. So, use them sparingly!

4. Semi-Flat Design

Flat design is the minimalist design that keeps your website simple. It’s a clean design that avoids unnecessary shadows and textures, completely no fuss. But it does not mean that it’s bland. This semi-flat design adds depth using only subtle shadows, without going overboard.

5. Hamburger Menus

Hamburger menus are the closet organizers of the web world. They help keep your navigation neat, hidden behind three little lines that look like a burger. This space-saving trick not only cleans up your site but also keeps users focused on what matters.

Just remember during the website design process to make sure your hamburger is easy to find. No one likes a menu that’s too good at playing hide and seek!

6. High-Quality Product Images

In the world of e-commerce, high-quality images product images are your best friends. With great product images, you can help potential customers decide if they are buying. If your customers can see exactly what they are getting, they are more likely to buy your product than not.

 When in doubt, remember: bigger, clearer, and more detailed images lead to happier customers and fewer returns!

Tips to Get Modern Website Designs Right

You are already pretty sold on revamping your site if you’re here. So, here’s how to take your site from “meh” to “wow” with a few great ideas:

1. Full Width & Full-Screen Design

Whitespace can be beautiful, so use it to let your design breathe! Try going full-width to avoid that cramped, boxed-in feel that most developers mistake for a good bespoke website design.

A full-screen layout creates an immersive experience for your visitors, making it more impactful. Think of it as your site’s way of stretching and saying ‘Look at me’!

2. Mix Up Your Layouts

Left-aligned text has become outdated, and frankly boring. You can try shaking things up by implementing varied layouts that increase your site’s retention rate.

 For example, it’s always a good idea to play with asymmetry to create a visually appealing design. Such designs keep the eye immersed in activity.  But remember, a little variety goes a long way.

3. Animation & Transitions

The thing with animations is that less is more. They can make your site feel lively and attractive. Simple animations like hover effects and fading images can do a lot to increase the time your visitors spend on your site.

Just avoid any jarring transitions that might make your site feel very disjointed. Hiring developers who specialize in bespoke website design is a good option if you want to have an interactive website like this.

4. Depth

Add some visual depth to your modern website design with overlapping elements and subtle shadows. Depth can make your design feel richer and more dynamic. Just be careful with parallax scrolling; while it can look cool, it might also slow down your site if used too much. So, the key takeaway in this feature is; that balance is key.

5. Custom Graphics & Iconography

As part of the website design process, you can opt for custom graphics and icons that can help set you apart from the competition. While most of the world relies on generic stock photos, bespoke website design shies away from such graphics.

Customized icons and graphics create a cohesive design that’s all your own. By inventing your signature style, you can make users take your brand more seriously.

6. SVG Graphics & Icons

Scalable Vector Graphics are the superheroes of the graphics world. They stay sharp no matter what device or resolution you’re using. Plus, they’re lightweight, so they won’t slow down your site. If you want your icons to look crisp and clear, SVG is the way to go.

Ready to Transform Your Old Website?

If you’ve made it this far, you are probably really interested in modern website design. Whether you want to revamp an old site or need help getting started, our web dev and design team is here to help. Get in touch with us by filling out the form below!

Umber Awan
Umber Awan

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